Support in your community
Scleroderma Quebec strongly believes in the merits of self-help groups. Support group meetings create an environment conducive to discussions by providing a meeting place where people affected by the disease can share personal experiences and learn how to improve their well-being.
Providing support to scleroderma patients and their families is the objective that we have set for ourselves in establishing various self-help groups.
Kind-hearted people
Support groups, made up of dedicated community-based volunteer resource persons, allow scleroderma patients to break out of their isolation by answering their questions and providing easy access to accurate and understandable information about their disease and well-being, thus improving their quality of life.
Would you like to learn more about scleroderma? Do you feel isolated? Join your local support group: as well as offering a warm welcome, they have relevant information and resources related to scleroderma. Do not hesitate to contact us.
To join a virtual support group on Zoom, please contact Violet Konrad at 819 566-8391.
Abitibi-Temiscamingue | ||
Louise Bourgault * | | 819-825-7630 |
Monique Arsenault * | | 819-856-5220 |
Bas St-Laurent/Gaspesie | ||
Jacinthe Savage * | | 418-398-9822 |
Capitale nationale/Chaudiere-Appalaches, and Saguenay/Charlevoix (Group of 2 regions) | ||
Louise Vidricaire * | | 418-240-2620 |
Eastern Township | ||
Violet Konrad * | | 819-566-8391 |
Edouard-Charles Lebeau * | | 819-566-8391 |
Geneviève Guillot * | | 514-559-7137 |
Mauricie (Personnes-ressources) | ||
Dolorès Dupuis (references) | ||
René Blier (references) | | 819-378-2869 |
Monteregie | ||
Lise St-André | | 1-844-990-6789 |
Montreal and North Shore (Laval, Laurentides, Lanaudière) and Mauricie | ||
Michel Roberge * | | 514-830-3467 |
Michel Brunelle * |
450-846-2387 |
Lise St-André (Montreal) | | 1-844-990-6789 |
Outaouais | ||
Micheline Parent * | | 819-281-0244 |
Support group – Evening | ||
Manon Boulanger * | | |
Support group for men | ||
Michel Brunelle * |
450-846-2387 |
Michel Roberge * | | 514-830-3467 |
Support group for young people (14-35 years) | ||
Marianne Boivin * | | 418-561-7379 |
Support group – Localized Scleroderma (including morphea, coup de sabre, and linear) | ||
Marianne Boivin * | | 418-561-7379 |
Groupe in english | ||
Violet Konrad * | | 819-566-8391 |
* These resource people regularly host virtual meetings. Their contact information is updated on our website at under the Support Group tab. It is permitted to attend a meeting offered in another region if the time slot suits you better, depending on your availability.
Scleroderma Quebec, is looking for volunteers with scleroderma or caregivers who would like to lead a Scleroderma Quebec support group. We need volunteers for certain regions, as well as for the formation of a group for young adults with scleroderma.
As a first step, we invite you to contact us to attend meetings on Zoom to see how things are going. In this regard, you will find the testimony of a person who participates in our virtual meetings by clicking on this link. At the appropriate time, training will be given to future candidates for group facilitation.
Kind regards,
Violet Konrad
Support committee member.
819 566-8391